Dilaco puts on a new jacket

IT provider, Dilaco, chooses a new look and a new approach after its 24 years of existence in the IT world. “Not only do we need to keep up to date with the latest technological possibilities, but we also need to modernise our image to the outside world in a timely manner,” says Christophe De Coster, COO at Dilaco. “It’s a new logical step in an even better direction for Dilaco, given the growth we’re currently experiencing.”


More specifically, Dilaco’s new jacket includes a new logo and a new website. In addition – thanks to the arrival of Wim Kretzers as new CEO – Dilaco enjoys an internal restructuring with numerous new possibilities and services, interesting for both customers and employees.



Wim Kretzers has been the head of Dilaco since March 2022 and is seen as the right manager to guide Dilaco within the latest technological evolutions. He started as Head of Sales and Marketing within Dilaco and was elected by the board of directors to lead the company. Wim previously worked as business manager for international companies with local presence and has a strong background in IT consultancy and Services. These experiences have undoubtedly helped Wim to create a strategic vision for Dilaco’s development in the short, medium, and long term.


New approach

A new CEO comes with a new and improved structure. Next to delivering IT consultancy Dilaco invests in the expansion of specific services such as network and security, application management, workplace-as-a-service and IT service desk. Dilaco already possesses the knowledge and expertise, so the implementation was actually a long time coming. A competent lead will be appointed for each service in order to optimally follow up these services.

In addition to these  services, Wim is also thinking about the growth and fun for the employees. Employer branding is highly valued and started with the implementation of an individual training program for every employee. Which gives our employees the opportunity to develop their career via a tailored program.

More specifically, Dilaco’s new jacket includes a new logo and a new website. In addition – thanks to the arrival of the CEO, Wim Kretzers, in March 2022 – Dilaco enjoys an internal restructuring with numerous new possibilities and services, interesting for both customers and employees.


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