Dilaco and Tech Data start partnership to approach Cyber Security at SME’s

Reason for the collaboration

Unfortunately, hacks and security threats are unavoidable. 53% of Belgian companies were victims of cybercrime in 2018. At least 70% of all security incidents are caused by human activity. Thanks to the services offered by Dilaco and Tech Data, an SMEs infrastructure will be protected from cybercrime. Employees will also be made aware of possible risks and threats.

Who’s this interesting for?

For the time being, the newly composed services will be offered in Belgian SMEs. However, future development in neighbouring countries is possible. Currently, the SOC-as-a-Service offering on the Belgian IT market is limited. Tech Data and Dilaco aspire to fill this gap.

Webinar 2/07/2020

To explain the new services in detail, Tech Data and Dilaco organize a webinar on Thursday 06/08/2020 at 10h30.


  • Jeff de Kleijn, CEO Dilaco: Our vision with SOC-as-a-Service
  • Wim Kretzers, Tech Data: What does SOC-as-a-Service mean more specifically?
  • Christophe De Coster, Dilaco: Why is SOC-as-a-Service interesting for your company?

Register here for the webinar.


We look forward to meeting you!


Christophe De Coster                      Wim Kretzers

Dilaco                                                   Tech Data


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