Mastering Application Management: 5 tips for saving resources

Managing applications within an organisation has become a complex and costly task. As software versions, licensing issues, and the constant need for updates multiply, keeping everything in check can feel like a never-ending battle.
Join us as we provide you with some tips for saving your precious resources.


According to Flexera, organisations are wasting about 12% of their IT spend. But further research indicates that this waste could be more than 30%.



Tip 1: Centralise application inventory

Start by creating a centralised inventory of all applications installed and used within your organisation. By having a comprehensive overview, you can easily set in motion our next tips.


Tip 2: Implement usage monitoring

Utilise tools to monitor application usage across your organisation. This data can provide valuable insights into which applications are essential for day-to-day operations and which ones are underutilised or even not used at all. By understanding usage patterns, you can make informed decisions about license allocation, identify opportunities for consolidation, and prioritise investments in critical applications.


Tip 3: Embrace application rationalisation

Conduct periodic reviews to assess the relevance and value of each application in your portfolio. Identify outdated applications that no longer align with your business objectives and consider phasing them out.
Don’t forget to identify redundancies! By identifying duplicates, you can easily pinpoint instances where different software serves the same purpose.
Application rationalisation can help streamline your software landscape, reduce licensing costs, and improve overall efficiency.


Tip 4: Optimise license management

Understanding your licensing landscape is crucial for effective management. By gaining valuable insights into your license usage, you will be able to identify simultaneous software users and make informed decisions about your licensing needs. Say goodbye to overspending on unnecessary licenses and hello to optimised budget allocation.


Tip 5: Don’t forget cloud applications!

Don’t overlook the importance of managing cloud applications in your overall application landscape. While cloud computing offers flexibility and scalability, effective management is key to optimising costs, ensuring data security, and maintaining compliance.


Did you know? The cloud applications software market is expected to expand with a compound annual growth rate of 4.8%.
– Statista, 2023



But how can you gain such insights in an easy affordable way?

You can rely on a manual approach. That is, have your team making an inventory of all assets, and subsequently having them identifying all opportunities for optimization. However, not only is this very time consuming, but the overview that you well get it is also not one of the most accurate, and probably not as detailed.
As an alternative to the manual approach, you could also make use of a software service to get a complete scan of your application environment, which is way less time consuming and gives you a more accurate and detailed overview. With AppScan, you can easily map out your local and cloud applications to get unparalleled visibility into usage patterns and potential optimisations.

Our cutting-edge software offers a hassle-free solution to unlock valuable insights into your application landscape without breaking the bank. By seamlessly mapping out your local and cloud applications, AppScan provides unparalleled visibility into usage patterns and potential optimisations.

With tailor-made reports featuring in-depth analysis and actionable recommendations, you’ll have all the tools you need to elevate your application management effortlessly. From saving on license costs to reducing management overheads and identifying security risks, AppScan delivers tangible benefits that translate into cost savings, efficiency gains, and enhanced security.




This article was brought to you by:

Mark Aarden
AppLabs Manager
Get in touch



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